Transfer Station
Shelburne has adopted "Pay-As-You-Throw". This means that garbage must be disposed of in special bags which may be purchased at the Transfer Station or the Town Office. The cost of a package of five (5) bags is $7.50. It is the responsibility of the land owner to transport the bagged trash to the Transfer Station and into the compactor.
Recycling is mandated by the Town of Shelburne. Several collection bins are available for easy sorting at the Transfer Station. A list of recyclable materials is included in the Town Report.
The Transfer Station does not accept any hazardous waste. A Hazardous Household Waste Collection Day will be held this year at the AVRRDD Transfer Station on Saturday, June 14th, 2025, from 8 AM to 1 PM. That transfer station is located at 100 West Milan Road (Rt. 110) in Berlin, NH. There is no fee for Shelburne residents (with proof of residency) on this collection day.
Transfer Station Hours:
Saturdays - (YEAR ROUND)
6 AM to 12 PM
Wednesdays - (June 11, 2025 - August 27, 2025)
3 PM to 4:30 PM
Public Works Department
All town roads, cemeteries, parks, and buildings are maintained by our Public Works Department.
If you have questions or would like to speak to the Director or the Road Agent, please contact the Highway Office.

Transfer Station and Highway Department
11 Landfill Drive
Shelburne, NH 03581
Phone: (603) 466-2957
Zack Losier Wight
Director of Public Works
Cemetery Sexton
Ken Simonoko
Road Agent
There are eight (8) cemeteries located in, and maintained by, the Town. Five of the cemeteries (Lary, Gates, Austin, Wheeler, and Hazelton) are inactive. The other three (Burbank, Evans, and Leadmine) are active, and cemetery lots may be purchased from the Town. Please contact the Cemetery Sexton, Zack Losier Wight, or the Town office for more information.