Motor Vehicle
Residents complete both the town and the state portion of vehicle registrations here at the Town Clerk's Office. Please be prepared to write TWO checks (one to the Town of Shelburne and one to the State of NH - DMV) , or to make one cash payment.
The Shelburne Town Clerk is a part-time position with limited hours. This may require some planning ahead on your part which, in turn, will make things, like vehicle registrations, go smoother. It is important to know when your registration (or temporary plate) expires. Vehicles can be renewed four (4) months in advance for no extra charge (they can also be inspected four (4) months in advance). Please do not wait until the last day of the month to register your vehicle, as it may fall on a day when the Town Clerk’s office is not open. If you cannot make it to the office during the posted hours, please call to discuss drop box and/or mail options.
When you come to do business at the Town Offices, and especially at the Town Clerk’s window, many of the tasks require the presentation of a government issued photo ID. NH RSA 261:148, the law governing vehicle registrations, requires a photo ID of the person who is registering the vehicle. Voter registration requires a photo ID, proof of domicile, and proof of citizenship.
You bought a new (or new-to-you) vehicle? Congratulations! Here’s what’s next!
If you purchased from a dealership: Most dealerships in NH (plus some ME and VT, and in some rare cases, banks) will complete the Certificate of Title Application (CTA) for you. It’s typically blue and in triplicate, and you receive both the “Town Clerk’s Copy” and the “Owner’s Copy”. It is best practice to bring with you any/all documents that you receive to register the vehicle, along with your photo ID.
If purchased through a private sale: For all vehicles that are model year 2000 or newer, you will need the current title of the vehicle with the name of the person you purchased from on it. In New Hampshire, to get a title, you must be able to turn in a title or Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO). Some states provide Title Reassignment forms and the originals of these must be turned in with the title at time of registration and/or titling. Please note: A properly filled out backside of a title counts as a Bill of Sale in this situation.
Trailers, Campers, and Tractors: These items have VINs, but they rarely are in the VIN decoder system. Be prepared for questions about identifying traits such as the number of axels, utilization
types, model numbers, slide-outs, etc. to help select the correct vehicle. Trailers (including campers) with a GVWR over 3,000 lbs., must be titled.
Title Exempt Vehicles: Vehicles made prior to 1999, or trailers with a GVWR of less than 3,000 lbs. do not need to be titled and can be purchased without a title. If you want to title the vehicle, you must have the current title to do so. Trailers under 3,000 lbs. cannot be titled even if you have the MCO or an out-of-state title. It is good practice that all title exempt vehicles get a VIN Verification (NH Form TDMV 19A). Verifications can be performed by a member of law enforcement or a licensed inspection station. The Town Clerk’s office has these blank forms available, if needed.
If the vehicle’s model year is prior to 1999, a full Bill of Sale is required (see below). You will also need one of the following:
• Copy of old or current title, if it exists
• Old or current NH registration (another state will need a form TDMV 19A)
• VIN Verification form TDMV 19A – available at Town Clerk’s office
Items needed to ensure a proper sale:
• The title (or MCO) with the back completed by both the seller and the buyer. All states are a bit different, so read the back carefully. This should be completed before you are at the window.
• A Bill of Sale – this is state law. The bill of sale can be handwritten but must include the signatures and addresses of the seller(s) and buyer(s). It should also have the vehicle’s make, model, and year listed. It is good practice to include the VIN and mileage at the time of sale as well. The properly completed backside of the title counts.
• Some transactions are unique, and these circumstances may require more in-depth research, more time, or more steps to complete a registration. If you have a question, please call or email the Town Clerk during posted hours, or plan on the possibility of multiple trips to the Town Clerk's office.
• All of the above is to ensure that vehicle transactions and ownership can be properly traced to prevent theft and/or fraud.
Transfers: To transfer your existing plate (and to receive credit for previously paid registration fees) you must turn in the current registration for that plate. A duplicate registration can be purchased, if necessary. If you trade in your vehicle, or sell it privately, please be sure to keep the registration if you want to transfer the plates and any credit that may be available. Transfers must be Primary Owner to Primary Owner.
Available Plates: General Veterans and Antique plates are now available at the Town Clerk’s office. Unfortunately, we do not have Veteran or antique motorcycle plates, or specialty Vet plates. For these, you will need to finish the process at a DMV substation (closest one is in Gorham) after starting the registration at the Town Clerk’s office. Other available plate types are: Regular Passenger, Moose, Decal, Trailer, Regular Motorcycle, Tractor, Farm, and Agricultural. Vanity/ Initial and State Park plates are available to order.
Boats: Yes, you can register your boat at the Town Clerk’s office! Signatures on documents are required when registering boats. Both the seller and the buyer need to sign the bill of sale. If renewing by mail, or if a family member is processing the renewal for you, the renewal slip will require a signature. New for 2025: There will be an additional state fee of $3 and now two decals will be issued. Both decals must be displayed on each side of the bow of the craft.
Registering to Vote - New for 2025: New voters wanting to register to vote will now have to show proof of citizenship, domicile, age, and identity when registering. Signing a registration affidavit is no longer accepted by NH law.
Acceptable forms of proof:
• Government issued photo ID
• Birth Certificate
• US Passport / Passport Card
• Naturalization documents
Note: A Real ID is not an acceptable indicator of citizenship
• Utility bill, rental agreement or lease, that shows the address using to register
• NH Vehicle Registration that shows address using to register
• Any reasonable documentation that shows your name and the address
• Any reasonable documentation indicating that you will be 18 years of age or older on the date of the next election. Including photo ID that shows your birth date
Do you have questions about the voting process in New Hampshire? Don’t hesitate to ask the Town Clerk or a Town Election Official.
Voting in New Hampshire
Mondays - 12 PM to 6 PM
Tuesdays - 12 PM to 6 PM
Wednesdays - 10 AM to 2 PM